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Sun, sea and a fruity smoothie

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From jams to salads: creative ways to use peach

Peach is a delicious and versatile fruit that can be used in a variety of ways in cooking. One of the most popular ways to use peaches is in jams, sauces and salads. The sweet, juicy flesh of the peach not only adds flavour and texture but is also packed with nutrients such as vitamin C and fibre.

Peach jam: a delicious way to enjoy peaches

Peach jam is a classic often served with breakfast or brunch. The sweet, fruity flavour of peaches comes out perfectly in a jam. To make peach jam, cook peaches with sugar and lemon juice until thick. The jam is delicious on toast, scones or as an addition to yoghurt.

A fruity addition to your dishes: peach sauce

You can also make a peach sauce by mixing the fruit with other ingredients such as honey, mustard and vinegar. The sauce can be used as a salad dressing or as a marinade for meat. The peach sauce is also a great addition to fried chicken or pork.

Transform your salad with the sweet taste of peach

In salads, peach can also be an enhancement. The fruit adds not only a sweet and fruity flavour but also texture. Combined with ingredients such as lettuce, nuts, feta cheese and a vinaigrette dressing, a salad with peach is a healthy and tasty meal with a sweet twist.

Year-round peach versatility

In short, peach is a versatile fruit that can be used in various ways in the kitchen. Peach adds flavour and nutritional value to any dish, whether in a jam, sauce or salad. With our Fruitlife peach cubes or peach puree, you can bring peach to your creations all year round. Also, follow our Instagram page for more beautiful fruit inspiration.

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